VCA Certification


At PLS, we are relentless in our pursuit of excellence, subjecting our products to stringent testing and certification processes to ensure they meet the highest standards of safety, durability, and performance. The VERSAโ„ข step range exemplifies this commitment.

Our VERSAโ„ข steps have undergone rigorous evaluation through the VCA (Vehicle Certification Agency) certification process, ensuring compliance with all relevant national and international regulations governing safety, durability, and performance. As part of this certification, extensive weight testing was conducted to ensure the VERSAโ„ข steps can withstand significant loads.

In collaboration with Acdeos BV, our representative for the VERSAโ„ข range, we remain dedicated to providing quality accessibility solutions for passenger and commercial vehicles. The VERSAโ„ข step not only combines user-friendly operation with certified strength and reliability but also offers peace of mind for safe vehicle entry and exit.